Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Just Checking In

Hello, hello! I'm sorry to have been away for a week and a half, but I swear, life be cray-cray around here. As most of you know, I've been working on my fiction writing. With a single-minded determinedness on that, I've been enduring all my other chores, chomping at the bit to write more. The story is coming along well. I'm at the point where I've decided to muck it all up. It was a short, sweet story and but now, plot changes are a-coming. Today should be a much slower day than the last couple, so I'll have plenty of time to work today.

Yesterday just completely got away from me. Those little tomatoes that were growing in the closet? Oy vey. I guess I started them too early. Either that, or the fertilizer I mixed wasn't the right proportions. Either way, they'd all started to turn yellow. It was making me sick. Our weather forecast is showing warm days and nights with nary a frost in sight, so I took a leap of faith. I planted those tomatoes. Every single one of them was root bound, so we'll see how this goes. They're in the ground 2 weeks early and I never got a chance to harden them. It's been a perplexing year. They started out so well, stronger than any year before. Everything started to head south as soon as I had to feed them for the first time, which makes me think it was the fertilizer. However, I was growing these starts in little buckets that I got my starts in last year, and last years actual plants seemed so much bigger without getting root bound. Weird, right? As of right now, the tomatoes are suffering from a little transplant shock. The hubby's uncle's tomatoes get transplant shock every year and it only lasts about 3 days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I just don't know. It's not always pretty folks 😉

After working in the garden for most of the day, the hubby and I headed out to Grayson to watch our niece's soccer game. We'd only meant to stay for the soccer, but it turned out our nephew also had a baseball game so we stuck around for that. A short evening jaunt turned into us getting home at 10 last night. So, not a lot of time to work on my story yesterday. Grrr. Luckily, today I don't have much planned so I'm hoping to get a lot done on my story. That, and some yoga. It's hard to sit through 4 hours of kid's sports with a bad back! 😜

My apologies there's no recipe. I really just wanted to let everyone know I was alive, but I didn't have hours to work on a food post. Maybe once the story is out of my head and recorded on paper, I can think about something else 😂

Happy Wednesday everyone! Oh, and by the way- that top photo is a shot of the side of our house. I'm obsessed with the ground cover we chose as tons of tiny purple flowers have bloomed. I'm in heaven 😍


  1. Glad to see a post from you.

    Your purple flowers are beautiful!!!

    You are on a roll with writing your book, good for you.

    Happy Spring and I hope your tomatoes will be just fine.


    1. Thanks FlowerLady! The tomatoes are going to live, I think it's official! Our weather finally broke, so they are doing well!

      Happy Spring to you as well! 🤗

  2. Those darn tomatoes! My husband is having a heck of a time with our seedlings this year. Not sure what is going on, but it definitely has not been as easy as last year.

    Hope your story is coming along!

    Any idea what the purple flowers are? They look familiar.

    1. Hi Kris! Sorry it took so long to reply, I've been very busy as of late 😬 My story is coming along fabulously, the tomatoes took root (thank goodness), and I'm pretty sure those purple flowers are Ajuga. They only flowered for about a month, but man, what a beautiful month! I already can't wait till next year!

      Hope you're having a great week Kris!

  3. That picture is just gorgeous, Jessica! I'm glad you're doing well and I hope your tomatoes survive :)


  4. Oh and kiss the pups for me :)


    1. Always gotta kiss those pups! 🐶❤️

      I hope you're doing well too Rue, and that you're having a great week! 😄

  5. I hear you on the writing part!
    Loved those purple flowers and I hope your little tomatoes survive!
    Have a great week!

    1. It's hard to write little blurbs when you're so in the zone on a larger story 😁

      Hope you're having a great week too Paula!


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