Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mid-July in the Jarrell Garden

Not bad for a first harvest!

I can't believe it's Wednesday already, and I've yet to post this week. Eek. The hubby and I had a great time in Cincinnati over the weekend. It was sunny, relaxing, and just the fix we needed to recharge our batteries. So relaxing, in fact, I couldn't be bothered with my blog. Until now. I do have recipes to share this week, but first I'm going to share what's been going on in the garden. Cucumbers and tomatoes are starting to ripen, and I'm even going to have jalapeños this week! 

The hubby and I have been working slowly on landscaping. Here's one of our weekend projects- dwarf spruce's. I'm proud to say we planted these in our own compost!

I keep finding these giant moths around the house. They creep me out, big time.

The hubby and I finally got some chairs and a little table to put on the front porch.

The garden is starting to look a little greener and bushier. 

The path continues...

My gardening partner :)

The raised bed tomatoes are starting to take off.

As is the raised bed cabbage.

The chard and lettuce continue to grow...

Last week, my roma tomatoes started to look a little worse for wear. I think they got a little root-bound, so I transplanted them into bigger pots. I also read an article about using straw to combat blight, which is the problem I think I'm having. Every plant I've surrounded with straw at the base looks healthier. 

Even my Charlie Brown Christmas Tree! The new growth on this plant looks extremely healthy. If you are combatting blight this year, separating the soil from the plant leaves with straw might be an option for you. The theory behind straw in the garden is that it keep fungus from the soil from splashing onto your plant leaves while watering the garden, a process that can introduce blight to your plants. No bueno. The straw has been a fantastic (and cheap!) fix.

The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree has even started producing new fruit!

The green pepper has been growing by leaps and bounds. I'll have tiny blossoms within the week on this one.

My zucchinis were starting to get blossom-end rot, so I had to transplant them as well. I'm afraid it too was a little root-bound. We moved it into a bigger pot, and fertilized it with plenty of calcium.

This tiny zucchini continues to grow, so I think the transplant was successful.

The cucumber has started climbing (and almost outgrown) it's 2nd trellis. 

I should be able to pick this guy in a couple of days!

The cilantro is coming along amazingly well.


Grasshopper hunter :)

Let. Us. In!

Happy Wednesday friends! I'll be back tomorrow with recipes!

Interesting Articles:


  1. Love the pictures of the furry friends. And my honey would love that cucumber because she puts them on her salads.

    1. Yum, I love cucumber in my salads! Your girl has good taste! :)

  2. Looks like all out gardens are kicking butt! I'll send you a picture of our tomatoes. This is our first year trying the "Florida weave" method of supporting the vines. Our biggest one is now over 6 feet tall! I've run out of posts long enough to go taller so this year we will just have to live with "only" a couple of bushels! I'm sold on the method and your husband would have fun building them.

    1. I just told him about this method and he is very excited. Except now he wants to buy books and do all this research. Thanks Dad! :)


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